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  • Writer's pictureCasey Knowlton


Seems appropriate to give thanks today for what Mom has accomplished after everything she has been through. Every time I see her I am astonished at where she is at. This past week while we visited I watched her walk to the car, get in the car on her own, have my oldest son take her for a ride to visit McCall, and go grocery shopping. She did all of this without help. Absolutely astonishing. In all honesty, earlier this year I had tried to emotionally plan for Thanksgiving and the Holidays without her, yet here we are. I am so grateful she decided to fight and to not give up. It is a testament to the human spirit and determination and I am so proud of her and for that we give thanks!

Outside of being almost back to full independence, it was a very quiet two weeks. Mom is extremely excited for the Holidays. She wants to decorate, get out of the house ,and do some shopping. I have alerted Nordstrom's that she is coming their way and to take care of her :) And having the new home gives her motivation to create a new Holiday spirit with her decorating and we are doing what we can to help. It's also good for her to keep her up and out of her chair/bed and hopefully build some strength in her legs.

Mom sends her love and gratitude to everyone reading this and all the others who have offered their support, prayers, and motivation. She is overwhelmed by it and it would have been impossible to be where we are today without your positive energy!

Have a great Thanksgiving and please stay healthy and safe!

Pictures are of Thanksgiving from years past. The family pic is of a very memorable T Day spent in Newport with Great Grandpa Knowlton.

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