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  • Writer's pictureCasey Knowlton


I can't believe we made is this far in 2020. So much to be thankful for. I sound like a broken record, and I'm sorry for that, but I am still amazed that I can still see and talk to my Mom. I was sure we would be spending the holidays without her and I am grateful for the miracle that keeps her with us!

Mom is back to PT and has been cooperating more and more with it. I think it took some regression for her to realize how beneficial it is for her and Spencer is just simply amazing. If she will stick with it and continue to be stubborn in her quest to be self reliant, I think we will continue to see amazing results.

One of the great blessings of the holidays is friends from everywhere have been visiting. All of us, and especially Mom, have been so grateful for these visits. I have personally witnessed how much they perk Mom up and make her WEEK!If you feel like stopping by or calling, please don't hesitate to do so! One if the best visits she has had was this past week with her Aunt Pat Harrison! We love Aunt Pat and we were so grateful she stopped by. They swapped stories of relatives who have passed and times when they were kids. Pat also brought along some great photos of relatives that Mom couldn't wait to share with us. I have great memories of the Harrisons from my childhood and hope we can continue to stay close!

Having said that, after our family council meeting a couple of weeks ago it was decided that I will be the gatekeeper of these visits. Feel free to email me (the best way to contact me - just reply to the posts) to see if we can set something up. We still need to be HYPER vigilant in how many people are near Mom and the current precautions need to be agreed to.

I can't let this post get finished without mentioning that Bill's youngest daughter Emma celebrated her Birthday with Mom this week. Mom loves little parties and being able to celebrate one of her grand-daughters was an excellent escape, especially having just done PT :)

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoy the pics from Christmas' past! We love all of you!

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