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  • Writer's pictureCasey Knowlton


Despite out best laid plans for Jackson Hole river running this July, we had to cancel in order to make sure we were all here for Mom's needs. She was really looking forward to the trip, but after convincing her that it was out of the question due to her health concerns, she relented and we made the best of it. McCall stepped up and planned 3 days of festivities that started with a fun evening tie dyeing shirts and sweatshirts. Clearly, mine was the best :) Afterwords we all headed to Mom's for an incredible dinner from the Parr's Catering service. One word - INCREDIBLE. If you haven't had a chance to enjoy a meal prepared by our life long friends the Parr's (Barbara and Julie), you have truly missed out! I was grateful that evening for my strong sons who had to roll me out to the car. We ended the fun evening singing Karaoke at Mom and Dad's. Our dear friend Nancy joined us and acted as the unbiased judge and picked...everyone as the winner! Mom was able to join us for this part and enjoyed eating and hanging out with all of her grandchildren.

Cherry Hill was up next. It's a family tradition of ours and it didn't disappoint. Social distancing actually made it much nicer as there were designated spots for family's with 6' of spacing. First time I've been without people crowding our space. The kids had a blast on the water slides and Mom was able to join us for another family tradition whenever we are in Kaysville - Dylan's Burgers!

The staycation was completed yesterday with a day spent boating and riding wave runners at Deer Creek. Mom and Dad drove up and had lunch with us on the beach and we were able to relax with them for a bit. Mom tires very quickly so we were glad she could join us for the time she was able. And despite the crowds we were able to get a ton of surfing and knee boarding in. Thanks to Jon and McCall for bringing their boat and showing us all a good time.

As for Mom's week we have had a couple of significant changes. She is getting in to her routine (VERY IMPORTANT) and Mo and Dad were able to set up a fantastic private care company to assist daily. McCall is 7 months pregnant and will be unable to assist very soon. Mom leans on her so much, but recognizes the situation and was accepting of this help coming in. Her challenges still remain, but this week she actually stood without much help and was able to turn around. Doing this only one time wore her completely out, but the stride she made was incredible!

We want to continue to express our appreciation for the texts, calls, and visits. Mom is getting more comfortable with people stopping by (pre planned) to sit and chat. So many old friends have reached out and we are very grateful to you! Mom loves you more than you know!

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