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  • Writer's pictureCasey Knowlton


This week we were ALMOST able to celebrate Mom and Dad's 38th anniversary. Mom had grand plans for the day, but it ended up being a little more than she could chew. Dad was very patient and just wanted to make sure she was comfortable. We are incredibly lucky to have him and it's been tough to watch him work his way though this. At least a few of us could spend the day with them and celebrate as best we could. One of the few bonus' of Mom's situation is that we have all had the opportunity to be with them more. I've personally loved the time we have been able to spend together and hearing them tell old stories has been a treasure!

Private care began this week and they were incredibly helpful. This is a huge step for the family as we need to get Mom used to McCall not being available 24/7. This is going to be a tough change for her and we are supporting her as best we can. The company is December Rose and the assistants have been great to Mom. We look forward to getting to know them better and having them help us with the new normal.

Mom also has a new nurse from Hospice. Mom (and the rest of us) didn't enjoy the company of the last one :) so Dad and McCall requested someone with a better fit. So far so good! It's hard enough to be poked and prodded by someone you're not comfortable with so the change is very welcome!

Coming up this week is Dad's B Day (August 4) and we are all looking forward to a fun day/evening at Snowbird. Mom is using the day to motivate herself to be able to get of of bed and in to the car to come and enjoy as much time as she can with us. If she can for an hour...we will take an hour.

Hardest part of the info passing is the not so great news. It was a rough week health wise. Mom is very weak and tired. She hates her situation and is having a hard time accepting what is happening and we understand completely. PT has become almost unbearable for her and we are finding it very difficult to motivate her. She also has come down with another infection (possibly 2). Her fever has been climbing a little and the hallucinations have started again. As family we are more aware of our emotions in this situation and are doing our best to keep her as calm as possible. The next week or two could prove to be our most challenging yet and Mom could use your prayers.

Thank you for all you have done with your texts and messages. She is visibly uplifted when she receives and reads them.

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